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December 2024

Track Your Dollars

Middle aged african american male typing on laptop with on desk with cup and glasses, unrecognizable black man husband planning monthly family budget on notebook, indoors, cropped, collage

Do you keep track of all the money you spend each month? Tracking your expenses will help you take control of your financial life.

By tracking your monthly expenses, you can identify negative spending habits that you can change to make your money work better for you. You might find you're paying for services you don't use, like a streaming service or app you forgot to cancel before the free trial period expired.

If you're planning to buy a house someday or looking to increase your retirement savings, tracking your expenses will help you reach those goals. You'll be able to see if your expenses can be lowered or if your spending remains in line with your priorities.

When you start tracking your expenses, you may worry less about money. Since you'll know where every dollar is going, you won't be anxious wondering if you'll have enough money at the end of the month. You'll feel more confident, and because you're keeping track of your spending, you'll be less likely to make impulse buys.


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