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Temple, TX 76504


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November 2024

Take an Active Roll in Your Finances

Research on women and finance has revealed a few paradoxes. Although, on average, women earn better investment returns than men while taking less risk, men's 401(k) balances are generally 50% larger than women's. Younger women have narrowed that gap to about 23%.

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How to Take Tax Friendly RMDs

Before you retire, consider planning for your required minimum distributions (RMDs). This can be more complicated than you imagine if you have significant retirement assets in qualified plans, but with a little planning, you can achieve a tax-friendly result.

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How to Attract Older Workers

Choosing a benefit package attractive to employees of every age is often challenging, especially when an employer has an older workforce. Numbering roughly 11 million today, the older workforce has nearly quadrupled in size since the mid-1980s.

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November 2024 Client Profile

William's business is tourist-dependent and earns most of its money during the warmer months. He has always filed his tax return based on the calendar year but would like to change it to a fiscal year ending in October. What does he need to do?

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U.S. Citizens Give Generously

Americans gave an estimated $557.16 billion to U.S. charities in 2023, according to Giving USA 2023: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2023 (from the Giving USA Foundation, the Giving Institute, and the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy). The total includes charitable contributions from individuals, estates, foundations, and corporations.

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November 2024 Q and A

Let's talk about life insurance policies and beneficiaries.

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Paying Taxes When You're Self-Employed

Whether you have just started a side hustle or have been freelancing for years, filing taxes can present challenges. Here are some points to keep in mind.

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Budget-Saving Holiday Travel

Americans usually travel during the holidays and it can be expensive. Here's how to save money on the ground and in the air.

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Growing Self-Employment Jobs

This chart show the expected employment growth in the various occupations from 2022-2032.

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