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Manjit Singh CPA P.C.
Tax planners not just tax preparers®
2841 Hartland Road, Suite 307
Falls Church, VA 22043
Phone: 703-280-5656
Fax: 703-280-5666
Following a top-to-bottom review of enforcement efforts, the IRS has launched a sweeping, historic effort to "restore fairness in tax compliance" by focusing more on high-income earners, partnerships, and corporations. Under the auspices of a newly created unit in the business division, the IRS will leverage Inflation Reduction Act funding to enforce compliance. These efforts are consistent with a broader commitment to use that funding to end the era of misbalancing in audit selection.
The enforcement group will eventually include employees currently in the Large Business and International Division, and large partnerships, and, eventually, the Small Business/Self Employed division focusing on smaller partnerships and self-employed.
The changes will be driven with the help of improved technology and Artificial Intelligence that will aid the IRS compliance teams in detecting tax cheating, identifying emerging compliance threats, and improving case selection tools to avoid burdening taxpayers with needless "no-change" audits.
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