Nolan Accounting Center


4262 South 108th Street

Greenfield, WI 53228


Phone: 414-425-5690

Fax:     414-425-2373



April 2023

Who Qualifies as a Dependent for Taxes?

Dependents can help reduce your tax bill by claiming valuable credits like the child tax credit, dependent care credit, or adoption credit. But who qualifies as a dependent?

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Who Can Contribute to a 529 Plan?

You can help any child save for college expenses by contributing to a 529 college savings plan. All 529 plans accept third-party contributions, regardless of who owns the account.

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Tax Deduction vs. Tax Credit

Tax credits and tax deductions may be the most satisfying part of preparing your tax return. Both reduce your tax bill, but in very different ways.

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April 2023 Client Profile

Elizabeth is considering whether she should buy long-term care insurance. She’s 35 years old and healthy, so she’s not sure it’s the best use of money now. What should she consider when making a final decision?

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How to Deal with Unpaid Invoices

Proactive processes can help protect your company and its cash flow.

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April 2023 Q & A

Let's take a look at fixed and variable costs for a small business.

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Raising Financially Savvy Kids

Whether your kids are toddlers or teenagers, it is critical that you teach them how to become financially independent.

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Review Your Credit Report Often

Your credit report is your financial biography. It’s key to determining the interest rates you’ll pay on loans and can impact a job application if you work in certain fields. You’ll want to review all three of your credit reports at least once a year to ensure they are correct.

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