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October 2022

Save Taxes on Retirement Plan Withdrawals

Tapping your retirement accounts before age 59½ usually comes with a 10% early distribution penalty, in addition to any income tax that’s due. But if you must make an early withdrawal, the IRS allows a few exceptions from the penalty.

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Year-end Bonuses and Retirement Accounts

As the fourth quarter of 2022 is upon us, you may consider providing annual bonus payouts to your employees. It’s a great way to thank them for their hard work.

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Maintaining Profits During a Bear Market

How we prepare our businesses for another potential bear market can mean the difference between thriving or struggling. Let’s revisit some keys to maintaining a financially viable company when the economy is slowing.

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October 2022 Client Profile

Katherine’s parents are 80 years old, and she’s taking on more and more caretaking duties for them. Besides looking after their physical wellbeing, she’s becoming more involved in managing their financial affairs.

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Small Business Loans

Take the guesswork out of securing a business loan. Whether it’s to fund expansion or purchase equipment, being prepared can speed up the process.

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Maximize Your FSA

With the end of the year approaching, review your health care flexible spending account (FSA) to ensure you get the most out of it.

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A Bear Market, A Bull Market

Let's look at the differences between a bear market and bull market, and how long they typically last.

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October 2022 Q and A

Let's talk about an IRS fines and if they can be waived.

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