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3520 SW H.K. Dodgen Loop

Temple, TX 76504


Phone: 254.773.9907

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January 2025

Revive Your Retirement Funding Strategy

Few people would argue about the wisdom of putting money away for retirement. Yet, many of us either don't start, take time off from contributing, or abandon this strategy altogether when financial obstacles hit. However, most people can revive their retirement savings strategy at almost any age by making a few changes in how they deal with money.

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Get Prepared

Now's the time to prepare your company's books for tax time. Your tax preparer may have a checklist to help you get organized. Start by reconciling your accounts as of December 31.

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Disability Insurance for Businesses

Do you know there is a type of insurance that may can help keep your business afloat in hard times? Business Overhead Expense (BOE) insurance is particularly suited for a smaller company or practice that depends on a few people for most of its ability to operate successfully.

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January 2025 Client Profile

Mike is looking for creative solutions to recruit and retain employees, which has become an issue for him. What are some helpful ideas?

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Money Hacks

Life is busy, so we often can't find the time to manage financial tasks, whether big or small. Consider these ways to save time.

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A Win-Win Planning Solution

Looking for a tax-efficient way to support your favorite charities while providing for your heirs? A charitable lead trust (CLT) may be a solution. With a CLT, you can make a meaningful impact on causes you support while potentially reducing your tax burden.

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January 2025 Q and A

Let's talk about drivers and taxes.

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Stick to the Basics

History shows that every investor needs to cling to these well-known fundamentals to build toward their financially-secure future.

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6 Ways to Find More Money to Budget

Do you ever wish you could find extra money for your child's college expenses or retirement? Maybe you would like to take a bucket list vacation or buy a larger home. Whatever your financial goals, finding the money to help pursue them can be challenging but not impossible. Here are some ways to find more money:

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